Whenever you get stressed with writing tasks and looking for some tips online, you will definitely find the following advice: to reassign a part of your academic tasks to essay writers with professional skills.
However, where do writers get their qualifications from? Are there any educational establishments that provide this specialization: an essay writer? And if not, how can we refer to those people as “highly qualified writers”?
Let us check all step by step.
Such Specialization as “Writer” Does Not Exist
When you check online, you will not find a single university that prepares writers. Neither you will find such specialization as essay writers. So, who are those mysterious creatures called writers?
In most cases, they are people who have majored in philology, linguistics, some translators dare to plunge into the writing business. If you deal with technical writing, some engineers and other specialists can be doing the writing jobs.
Hence, there is no mandatory requirement to become a writer. The main prerequisites are writing skills and the ability to follow instructions. Also, the ability to learn fast is required. Other than that, you might be anything, the writing company will even not ask for it in most cases.
Writers Do Have the Needed Skills
However, you can still completely rely on a good writing services provider. A reputable company has very strict requirements for its writers.
People who are willing to provide writing services need to pass several tests:
● Grammar and lexical tests to prove the language level;
● A writing test to make sure that the applicant knows how to write correctly.
Different people understand the writing process differently. The main task of a writing company is to find good writers. In this context, “good” means that a writer should have some specific skills. In most cases, people believe that the more complex sentences you can write the better writer you can be. However, the main idea in writing is to be able to write simply about complex things. Everything should be clear even to those who usually struggle with reading.
Some companies provide continuous training for their specialists. As well, writers are monitored constantly. Usually, a writing company gives its clients an opportunity to vote for their writers. In some cases, you will be invited to write some feedback. These practices allow clients to see what kind of writers are available and how they usually handle their assignments.
Writers Have an Appropriate Education Level
To become a writer, one needs good knowledge about the language. Just a quick example for you to understand the idea better: if a person wants to become a writer and to write in Japanese, but this person has never learned Japanese or knows it very superficially, this wish to become a writer will be just a wish.
To become successful as a writer, or even to be accepted for this position, one should know the language very well. That’s why university education is a must. However, it is not a rarity when a company has writers with a Master’s degree or even a Ph.D. degree. And if a customer wants his/her dissertation to be written, this task can be entrusted to the writer who has a Ph.D. degree, as well.
Editors Are Still Needed
It doesn’t matter how good a particular writer is, editing services are still needed. You might want to order just editing if you have a ready paper. You also might want to order writing. Then, a writer will write your paper, and an editor will proofread it.
Note please that editing and writing are completely different services. A good writer is not necessarily a good editor. That’s why don’t ask the same writer to proofread what he/she has written. Of course, a writer might do it for you. But the results might be not like you have expected, and this is absolutely fine.
And finally, to wrap up, we would like to say that it is very complicated to find a good writer. Basically, a good writer is somebody who is:
● Organized;
● Smart;
● Creative; able to follow instructions;
● Attentive to the smallest details.
As well, a good writer is a person who has the following features:
● Able to assess his/her abilities correctly: if you need an urgent task to be done, delays are not acceptable. If a writer isn’t able to assess his/her abilities to write, he/she might cause you serious issues;
● Able to research both online and offline;
● Able to write any kind of paper based on requirements.
Well, highly qualified essay writers: myth or reality? Definitely it is real. There are many more features that a professional writer should have. However, there is no specific study source where they prepare writers. And in most cases, you will have to try several essay writing service providers to find your preferred academic writer online.