Maeng da is one of the most preferred strains of Kratom because of its potency and the benefits it offers to all users. It comes in three strains that derive their names from the color of their leaf veins. These are, namely, red, green, and White Maeng Da. Red Maeng da is the most potent of them all. Users report a significant boost to their energy levels, which helps enhance mood. Although green Maeng da is also stimulating the body and lifts mood, its effects are balanced and not as apparent as those of red Maeng Da.
The white strain is the least potent of them all, although it also has benefits that could interest you and especially if you are looking for a strain that will help you relax and remain calm. Whether it is a physical exertion or mental effort, the product handles it all. Some white vein Maeng da Kratom effects include:
Boosting energy
White Maeng Da is the perfect strain for people who work long hours, either physically or mentally. In the past, it was used by farm laborers from Thailand to help them keep going when they felt exhausted. However, it does not kick in as fast as the red or green strains. While those take around 5 to 10 minutes for their effects to begin being felt in the body, the white strain could take anywhere between 15 and 20 minutes. This can help you relax and focus on tasks.
Happiness and confidence
When it is used in low dosage levels, the strain will help boost your confidence levels. You could begin feeling more talkative and sociable. Apparently, these are the ingredients for a happier life and one of the reasons why Kratom is recommended to introverts. Note that just like with other substrains of Maeng da, the white type also has an ability to induce euphoria when it is taken in high doses. This state of well-being has an ability to improve your life, and especially if you have been anxious or depressed for an extended time.
Kratom is recommended to people who struggle with the withdrawal effects of opiate drugs like heroin and cocaine. Such people usually feel anxious and irritable because they are withdrawn from the euphoric effect that is induced by opiate drugs. The white sub-type of Maeng Da can effectively help you get over these without necessarily having to use it in high doses. It will help you get out of your depressed state and actually begin having a positive outlook at life.
Remember, the red and green subtypes are very potent and give you a great boost of energy. They are, therefore, not ideal for relieving depressed minds because having an increase in energy is counteractive to helping one become calm while focusing on the positive things they have done in life instead of entering into a state of regret.
You can use it as an analgesic
For pain, experienced users usually recommend the red vein types, although this should not make you look down on white Maeng da. Always remember that Maeng da is more potent than other strains of Kratom, implying that its white sub-strain is more potent than the red sub-strains of Indo, Bali, Thai, and even Malay. The white sub-strain of Maeng da has a calming effect on the body of a user. When you take White Maeng Da Kratom, it stimulates the body to release endorphins and other pleasure hormones that effectively reduce different types of pain, including chronic pain in cancer patients.
You can take White Maeng Da Kratom as a remedy for a broad range of aches and pains. If you are struggling with back pain, migraines, or any other chronic pain caused by rheumatoid inflammation, the product can ease the discomfort.
You can use it as a sedative
The white sub-strain of Maeng Da can act as a sedative that helps users enjoy a better quality of sleep. For this purpose, the user has to induce a higher dose of the strain, which can be anywhere between 6 and 8 grams. Before you start feeling the sedating effects of this strain in your body, you may go into a state of euphoria and afterward feel sleepy. Do not underestimate the potency of this strain if you intend to use it for better focus and concentration during the day. Make sure that your dosage does not go beyond 4 grams if you prefer taking it in the morning because you could end up dozing off instead of focusing on your work.
Nootropic effects
When the human brain is under constant stress and anxiety, it cannot work at its full capacity. The white Maeng da Kratom offers users’ well-being, stress relief, and stimulation that help improve their cognitive capabilities. After the stress relief, the user feels positive vibes, which help them focus on their work or any other challenges of their daily life. The cognitive boost is a sought-after effect among most Kratom users.
When users consume white Maeng da Kratom at a high dose, they may end up experiencing euphoria. If you do not want to experience the side effects of this product, or be hooked on it, avoid taking it in high doses.
Energy boost
Most farmers, laborers, and other people with energy-intensive careers consume the white Maeng Da for its energy-enhancing effects. The Kratom vein is a stimulatory compound, which helps the consumer experience moderate or substantial energy boost depending on the amount of dosage. To achieve the energy boost effect, you only need to consume the product at a minimum dose. Some people take the product at high doses thinking they will get more energy boost, but they end up experiencing the undesirable side effects.
The white Maeng da Kratom side effects
Generally, Kratom products do not pose any health risks. However, problems may arise if a user abuses the product or consumes it in very high doses. The most common side effects are feeling jittery, anxious, and sometimes over-talkative.
If you consume Kratom at a high dose, you can experience unpleasant effects like nausea and sleeplessness. Excessive use of white Maeng da can also cause mild headaches, respiratory problems, dizziness, vomiting, feeling light-headed, and issues with the digestive system.
In extreme cases, a user may develop a dependency on the product. On withdrawing, the user may experience a symptom like sweating, runny nose, irritability, nausea, muscle pain, insomnia, high blood pressure, intense cravings of the product, and diarrhea.
Experts advise users to consume the product moderately by starting with low doses and increasing the dosage gradually. Also, it is essential to consult with your healthcare physician before consuming Kratom.
White Maeng Da Kratom dosage
If you are a first-timer, it is advisable to take a low dose from 2 grams then gradually increase the dosage to find a sweet spot. Do not begin with a high dose. Most experienced users claim that an average dose of 5 grams helps them feel the desired effects after taking the product. A high dose of above 8 grams can lead to sedation or, worse, cause respiratory arrest and coma. The white Maeng da Kratom effects appear after 10-20 minutes. You may start by feeling hyperactive and talkative, but then you will focus. The product’s results will start wearing off after approximately 7 hours. The dosage also depends on the user’s gender, age, and physique.
In conclusion
White Maeng da Kratom effects are diverse and cover health and wellness. Most of its users claim that when consumed during daytime, it is a perfect recreational strain because of its analgesic and stimulating effects. Your preferred method of ingesting this strain will depend on the effects you desire. For instance, if you plan on using Kratom as a sedative, ingesting it in its powder form is more practical because you can vary the amount you use. Capsules are the right choice if you will be using it to help you focus on long workdays.