Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan celebrated his 51st birthday on January 10, 2025, with a close-knit gathering that included his ex-wife, Sussanne Khan, her partner, Arslan Goni, his current partner, Saba Azad, and other friends and family members.
Zayed Khan, Hrithik’s former brother-in-law, shared a heartfelt birthday message on Instagram, accompanied by a group photo from the celebration. In his post, Zayed praised Hrithik’s willpower and kindness, expressing admiration for him.
Sussanne Khan also extended her birthday wishes to Hrithik via Instagram Stories, sharing a group picture and expressing her excitement for the re-release of “Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai,” Hrithik’s debut film, which is being re-released to mark his birthday.
Hrithik and Sussanne, who divorced in 2014, have maintained an amicable relationship, often coming together for family events and celebrations. Their co-parenting and continued friendship have been appreciated by fans and the media alike.
The birthday celebration highlighted the strong bonds Hrithik shares with both his past and present partners, reflecting a modern family dynamic that prioritizes mutual respect and affection.