Mumbai, April 7 Actor Sunny Hinduja, who was seen playing the role of Sandeep Singh Ohlan in the web show ‘Aspirants’, recalled being part of the web series on its second anniversary. He added that very soon, makers might come up with its second season.
TVF ‘Aspirants’ deals with the past and present of three friends, Abhilash, Guri and SK, who are UPSC aspirants. The past is all about their struggle as students to clear the examination and the present focusses on their life as adults. It features Naveen Kasturia, Shivankit Parihar, Abhilash Thapliyal, Namita Dubey and Sunny Hinduja.
Sunny walks down the memory lane and shares: “I am delighted for all the love and support that I have received and continue to receive for my character Sandeep Bhaiya. The experience of working on the sets of the show was one of my personal favourites. It still feels fresh whenever someone talks about my role as if it is a day old released series.”
Sunny has done movies, TV shows, and web series. Some of his notable works include ‘The Family Man’, ‘Bhaukaal’, ‘Inside Edge’, and many more. He was also seen in the TV show, ‘Mere Dad Ki Dulhan’, and movies such as ‘Mardaani 2’ and ‘Shehzada’. Sunny’s upcoming projects include ‘The Railway Men’.
He added that it feels great when the audience recognises the actor with his character and the same is happening with him as people often call him ‘Sandeep Bhayiya’.
“People know me by my character name Sandeep Bhaiya and that is any actor’s dream come true. It is a privilege to be a part of a show that has touched so many hearts. I hope we are able to get back with another season very soon, can’t wait,” he concluded.