Baghdad, September 29: Reports from Iraq’s northern province of Kirkuk suggest that more than 50 people became victims of food poisoning during a wedding ceremony. According to media sources, the reason for this unfortunate incident was said to be spoiled food.
The official Iraqi News Agency (INA) released statements from provincial health chief Ziad Khalaf, who revealed the details on Wednesday. The incident occurred in Hawija city, west of the provincial capital Kirkuk.

Ziad Khalaf clarified that the poisoning cases ranged from mild to moderate, with all affected individuals immediately receiving the necessary medical attention at a local hospital, as reported by INA.
This tragic incident occurred on the heels of a tragic incident that occurred a day earlier. A massive fire broke out in a wedding hall in a Christian-dominated city in Iraq’s northern province of Nineveh. Sadly, the fire took the lives of 114 people, while more than 200 were injured.