The Karnataka government has announced a three-day state mourning to honor the passing of S.M. Krishna, a towering figure in Indian politics and one of the state’s most respected leaders. Krishna, who served as the Chief Minister of Karnataka and held numerous significant positions at the national level, breathed his last on 10th december,2024.
A Legacy Remembered
S.M. Krishna was a veteran statesman whose career spanned over several decades. Known for his visionary leadership and modern outlook, he is credited with transforming Karnataka, especially Bengaluru, into a global IT hub during his tenure as Chief Minister from 1999 to 2004.
In addition to his role in Karnataka politics, Krishna made substantial contributions at the national level. He served as the Minister for External Affairs, the Governor of Maharashtra, and held other key portfolios that defined his illustrious career. His diplomacy, administrative acumen, and deep connection with the people have left an indelible mark on Indian politics.
State Mourning Details
To pay tribute to Krishna’s monumental contributions, the Karnataka government has declared a state mourning from today. During this period:
- The national flag will be flown at half-mast across government buildings.
- Official events and celebrations will be postponed.
- Special arrangements will be made for public homage.
Tributes Pour In
Condolences have poured in from across the nation, with leaders from various political parties and prominent figures expressing their grief. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his statement, described Krishna as a “statesman par excellence and a leader who worked tirelessly for India’s progress.”
Karnataka Chief Minister [Name] remarked, “S.M. Krishna was not just a political leader but a guide and mentor to many. His demise is an irreplaceable loss to the state and the nation.”
Public Homage
The mortal remains of S.M. Krishna will be kept at [location] for public viewing, allowing citizens to pay their final respects. The state funeral will be held with full honors at [venue], where political leaders, dignitaries, and the public will bid farewell to the stalwart.
A Leader for the Ages
S.M. Krishna’s demise marks the end of an era in Karnataka politics. His vision for a progressive Karnataka and his contributions to the nation will be remembered for generations. The state mourns the loss of a leader who dedicated his life to public service, leaving behind a legacy of development, diplomacy, and leadership.