The Mahakumbh Mela 2025 has introduced an enhanced artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot named “Kumbh Sah’AI’yak” to assist pilgrims in navigating the vast event. This upgraded chatbot provides real-time information on parking spaces, food courts, and hospitals within a 1-kilometer radius of the user’s location.
Key Features of Kumbh Sah’AI’yak:
- Comprehensive Mapping: The chatbot offers detailed maps of the Mahakumbh area, including specific sector information and Google Map links, enabling devotees to navigate the event seamlessly.
- Real-Time Information: Pilgrims can quickly access details about parking, transportation, banking services, public water ATMs, and other essential amenities. The chatbot allows users to download real-time PDFs containing information on toilets, lost and found centers, exhibitions, and more, tailored to their preferences.
- QR Code Integration: By scanning QR codes placed throughout the venue, attendees can instantly receive information about key locations directly on their mobile devices, enhancing convenience and reducing the need for physical inquiries.
The integration of Kumbh Sah’AI’yak has been well-received, with millions of devotees utilizing the chatbot to enhance their experience at the Mahakumbh. The user-friendly design and effective features have significantly improved the convenience and organization of the event.
In addition to the chatbot, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) has integrated “Bhashini,” an AI-driven language translation tool, into the Mahakumbh. This tool supports 11 languages, breaking down communication barriers and ensuring that information is accessible to a diverse group of pilgrims.
The combination of Kumbh Sah’AI’yak and Bhashini exemplifies the effective merging of technology and tradition, making the world’s largest religious gathering more accessible, organized, and enriching for all attendees.