Indian chess legend Viswanathan Anand recently shared a heartwarming moment on social media, taking fans on a nostalgic journey by posting an old photograph with the young chess prodigy, D. Gukesh. The image, capturing a moment from years ago, serves as a testament to the remarkable journey of Gukesh, who has now ascended to the title of World Chess Champion.
In the photograph, a much younger Gukesh is seen standing beside Anand, the former World Chess Champion and an iconic figure in the chess world. At the time, Gukesh was just another talented youngster with big dreams. Today, he stands tall as a champion, fulfilling the potential that Anand and many others had envisioned for him.
Anand, often referred to as the “Tiger of Madras,” has been a guiding force for Indian chess players for decades. He has mentored numerous young talents, including Gukesh, as part of his commitment to nurturing the next generation of chess masters. His post resonated deeply with fans and the chess community, celebrating not only Gukesh’s rise but also Anand’s role in inspiring and mentoring young players.
Gukesh’s journey from a promising young talent to World Chess Champion has been nothing short of extraordinary. With his sharp mind, relentless dedication, and unwavering focus, he has become a beacon of hope for aspiring chess players in India and across the globe.
Anand’s post serves as a reminder of the cyclical nature of greatness—where one champion paves the way for the next. It also highlights the importance of mentorship, a value Anand has always upheld, ensuring that India continues to shine brightly on the global chess stage.
The photograph and its emotional caption are not just a celebration of Gukesh’s success but also a reflection of the rich legacy Anand has built, inspiring countless players to dream big and achieve even bigger.