Recent reports have surfaced about WhatsApp planning significant changes to its Status Updates feature. From overhauling the interface to enabling private mentions, the instant messaging platform has been rolling out numerous updates. According to a recent WA Beta Info report, WhatsApp is now introducing a feature that allows users to post longer voice notes as status updates.
New Status Update Feature
The WA Beta Info report indicates that WhatsApp is enhancing its status feature for both iOS and Android users. The Meta-owned app will now let users share voice notes up to one minute in length. By updating to the latest version of WhatsApp, users can record and share extended audio messages through their status updates, facilitating more detailed communication without interruptions.
This much-anticipated update, which also allows for posting longer videos on WhatsApp status, enables users to share more meaningful and extended clips. It’s particularly beneficial for sharing events, announcements, or any moments that require more than the previous 30-second limit to capture.
How It Works
As illustrated by screenshots from WA Beta Info, users can record voice notes for their status by holding down a mic button, similar to sending a voice note in chats. If necessary, users can slide to cancel the recording.
This new feature is currently available to select users with the latest WhatsApp version. Android users can find the update on the Google Play Store, while iOS users can download it from the App Store. The feature is expected to be rolled out to more users in the coming days.
Additional Features in Development
In addition to longer voice notes, WhatsApp is working on other features to enhance user control over status updates. The app is experimenting with tools that allow users to decide exactly who can view their shared content, offering more privacy and control. Furthermore, WhatsApp now permits the sharing of longer videos as status updates, extending the previous 30-second limit to one minute.
These updates aim to provide a richer, more flexible experience for WhatsApp users, enabling them to communicate and share moments more effectively.